quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011

Endangered Animals - Teacher Mariana

My name is Mariana. I'm a Yazigi teacher. I learned about hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds are small, colorful birds with iridescent feathers. They are the smallest type of bird and can fly right, left, up, down, backwards and even upsidedown.
Hummingbirds live up to four years.
They eat flower nectar, tree sap, insects and pollen. Most hummingbirds live in the tropics. Habitat loss and destruction are the hummingbirds' main threats.
My name is Carol, I'm 8 years old. I learned about dolphins.
Dolphins are highly intelligent. Most dolphins live long lives, the orca can live 70 or 80 years.
Dolphins consume a variety of prey including fish, squid and crustaceans. They live in the tropical and tempered oceans throughout the world.
Dolphins face a number of threats including marine pollution and habitat degradation.

My name is Tainah, I'm 8 years old. I learned about giraffes.
Giraffes are the world's tallest mammals.
Healthy giraffes live for about 25 years in the wild. They eat leaves from tall trees, typically acacia trees.
Giraffes are hunted for their meat, coat.
My name is Amanda Yumi and I'm 10 years old. I learned about penguins.
Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds. They live from 15 to 20 years depending on their species. Penguins eat fish, krill and squid. 
Penguins live in South America  and Antarctic.
They are threatened by climate change, global warming, natural predations.

My name is Amanda Collet and I'm 8 years old. I learned about alligators.
The american alligator is the largest reptile in North America. They live from 35 to 50 years.
American alligators eat fish, turtles, various mammals, birds and other reptiles. They live in The United States.
Alligators today are threatened by habitat destruction and hunting.

My name is Mariana and I'm 10 years old.
I learned about tigers.
Tigers live from 10 to 15 years. Today they are only found in South and Southeast Asia, China and the Russian far East.
Tigers eat ambar deer, wild pigs, water buffalo and antilopes. They are ilegally killed because their pelts are valuable.

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